Hiker Emily Ford completes 1200-mile trek through the Wisconsin winter

Hiker Emily Ford completes 1200-mile trek through the Wisconsin winter

[Image via @emilyontrail]


28-year old hiker Emily Ford has just completed an incredible 10-week trek through Wisconsin, in the winter. 

Facing temperatures as low as -37°F, the Minnesota-based gardener – along with her dog, Diggins, and a 65 pound backpack – began the 1200-mile Ice Age scenic trail in December. She completed the hike this past weekend, becoming the first Black woman to have completed the trail. 

Read more about the adventure via this piece in The Guardian. From the article: 

[Ford] said she wanted her trip to help break down barriers for people of color in outdoor spaces, or, really, any situation.

“I’m hopeful that it’s helpful to folks who even have dreams or goals that have nothing to do with backpacking at all, but they saw this 28-year-old do this ridiculous trip in the wintertime, and now they have this fire to tackle the hard things in their life.”

Inspiring stuff from someone who is definitely an All-Season Hiker.

You can follow Emily on Instagram here.

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